the secure PHP framework


How to install banshee

Erba Koniais
21 november 2019, 06:39
Hi. I'm trying to install banshee on an HTTP server.
- OS : debian Buster
- HTTP server : Apache 2.4 + PHP 7.3
- SQL Server : Mariadb-server 10
I've ungziped and untarred the sources on /var/www/html and I've given the ownership to www-data:www-data.
I've created a database on the local mariadb-server 10 and I've updated the DB* variables in settings/website.conf.
With a browser I point to http://ip/banshee/public. It launches the index.php and a 'Banshee Exception' occurs at line 196.

How can I start the installation process ? I haven't found any setup file in the tarball dowloaded.

thanks for your time and your answer.

Have a good day.
Hugo Leisink
21 november 2019, 19:18
As explained in the INSTALL file, you should point the DocumentRoot to the public directory. Then point your browser to http://ip/
Erba Koniais
23 november 2019, 13:35
Hi Hugo

First of all, thank you very much for your answer.

1) You're right : I didn't accurately follow the instructions in the INSTALL file . So :
I modified the vhost file in order to give the apache variable DocumentRoot the path to the public directory of banshee.
Then I pointed my browser to http://IP.
It worked and I had a button labelled 'import SQL' (the database is already created and it belongs to a mariadb owner).

2) Then the URL is modified to http://IP/setup
and it says 'Not Found. The requested URL was not found on this server.'

3) I checked
- rewrite module enabled : OK (apachectl -M)
- json, xml, gd, mysql php modules installed : OK (php -m)
- www-data:www-data owner of the folder and files of banshee folder : OK (ls -al banshee/)
- connexion information in website.conf : OK (cat banshee/settings/website.conf | grep DB)
- use of connexion details from website.conf : OK (mysql)
MariaDB [(none)]> show grants for banshee@localhost;
| Grants for banshee@localhost |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'banshee'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*F807D2765A54290C128F050973DF7A8171AC01A6' |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `banshee`.* TO 'banshee'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION |

4) I looked for a file called setup
(find banshee/ -name setup*)
(tar tf banshee-6.6.tar | grep setup)
I have found :

I really don't known what i'm missing ... Sorry to bother and again thank you very much for reading and for your help

PS : I'm not, as you guessed, a developer.
Hugo Leisink
24 november 2019, 16:47
If /setup is '404 not found', there must be something wrong with URL rewriting. You say it is enabled, but is it allowed for that virtual host? And is reading a .htaccess file allowed?

PS : I'm not, as you guessed, a developer.

Some knowledge about PHP is needed to adjust Banshee to your needs...
Erba Koniais
30 november 2019, 09:29
Hello Hugo,

Sorry for my very late thanks ; I've been on a business trip.

For you information, I did what you recommended : I allowed rewriting in the virtual host (I didn't know it wasn't inhérited from the parent) and I allowed reading .htaccess (I should have known ).


Thank you for helping me and for your CMS/CMF ; I'm sure it will help my students to improve their skills and good practices.

Again thanks a lot.
Hugo Leisink
2 december 2019, 09:22
I'm sure it will help my students to improve their skills and good practices.

Cool. If there are any questions about the technical design, let me know.
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