the secure PHP framework


Banshee 6 Fresh Install Yields Non-stop cms 401s

23 september 2017, 16:42
Thanks Hugo,

This file name hiawatha.conf
by the way I aready install banshee but what folder in hiawatha i going to extract and in google chrome what will be the domain name.
23 september 2017, 17:02
Hello Guy's,

I already change the hiawatha configuration but when i try typing in browser it doesn't work ex:localhost/banshee/public.

Can you Help me please i feel confused.

23 september 2017, 17:42
What should be the php version needed for Hiawatha?
Hugo Leisink
24 september 2017, 12:02
You can chose the folder in which you want to extract Banshee. Use for example a sub folder in /var/www. The domain name is also something you chose yourself. Your questions tell me you have little understanding of webhosting. I advice you to learn more about it before trying Hiawatha and Banshee.

The directory 'public' must be the webroot. Read the Banshee README for installation instructions.

Hiawatha doesn't need PHP. It's optional.

Btw, why do you keep changing your name? It makes this discussion confusing.
25 september 2017, 04:10
Sorry About that Hugo,

By the way Hugo can make a step by step tutorial of installing banshee and Hiawatha through video that is more useful to all beginners like me pls..
Hugo Leisink
25 september 2017, 16:13
No, sorry. That requires more of my free time than I can spare. And besides that, all that video would contain is me going through the online documentation of Hiawatha [] and Banshee. Because all the information you need is already available.
15 july 2020, 16:25
Has the auto logout issue for admin user been solved?
Hugo Leisink
15 july 2020, 21:03
What auto logout issue??
15 july 2020, 23:31
The one posted by MNicole and Michaelv2. Since I am facing the same problem with my new installation, I thought there could be some kind of solution.
Hugo Leisink
17 july 2020, 07:41
I was never able to reproduce their issue. I think the cause is not in Banshee, but some configuration conflict with MySQL or PHP. Don't know what caused it, so there is not much I can do right now.

If you experience the same, please send me an URL and some website credentials, so I can see for myself.
17 july 2020, 10:09
OK. I've sent some details if you want to take a look. Thank you.
19 july 2020, 14:39
The solution may be an upgrade to MYSQLI with PDO support See- or upgrade the code database using pdo or xpdo. these are most modern practies now. See-
Hugo Leisink
20 july 2020, 08:35
@Andy: How did you sent the details to me? I haven't received anything.
@Jeff: Banshee has support for PDO, but it doesn't add anything to what Banshee already offers. Banshee's database layer is secure.
20 july 2020, 08:47
Using this contact form
Hugo Leisink
20 july 2020, 09:25
Found it in my spam box. I saw that with every request, I got a new cookie. For some reason, the provided cookies aren't stored properly. Can you check the session database table to see if the cookies are stored correctly?
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